Accompaniment for new immigrants — JoGD
Accompaniment for new immigrants — JoGD You have recently arrived in Germany? We will help you to find your way around here. If your German is not yet so good, we read more
Acrylic Pouring Course at ibz
Acrylic Pouring Course Price: 5€ per week + material The technique of “pouring” in painting refers to the spilling or pouring of colors. Unlike traditional methods where colors are applied read more
Adaptation qualifications for healthcare professions
Recognition means that a foreign professional qualification is legally equivalent to a German professional qualification. When German authorities check the equivalence of your qualification, this is called a “recognition procedure” read more
Advice and Support for Migrants
Advice and support for migrants before, during and after an integration course offered by the Association of Germans from Russia The MBE addresses: Acquisition of the German language Placement on read more
Advice on migration issues — RDVBW
Advice on integration issues — Romanian-German Association in Baden Württemberg e.V. RDVBW offers help and support in all life situations for all migrants from Karlsruhe — especially for Romanian fellow read more
Advice on re-entry
Professional re-entry Do you sometimes wonder whether you have chances on the current job market? Or do you consider whether it would be possible to do an apprenticeship? Maybe even read more
Afrodance with Nicky
Every first Tuesday of the month, we give you the opportunity to get to know the rousing rhythms and dynamic dance styles of Africa. Afrodance with Nicky Don’t miss the opportunity read more
Alle unter einem Dach
In the youth center, the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland e.V. offers meaningful leisure activities to strengthen the potential of immigrants, guidance for families and much more. Alle unter einem Dach read more
Anti-Discrimination Office Karlsruhe
The Anti-Discrimination Office Karlsruhe provides consultation and support for people who have experienced discrimination Who can contact us? We support all people who are directly or indirectly affected by discrimination. Our read more
Apartment search newspapers
If you are looking for a new home, we can give you a few tips. Just have a look in the service sections of the regional and local newspapers or browse read more
Arrive app for Migration and Refugees
Arrive app for Migration and Refugees Understanding how Germany works is the basis for good coexistence. Everyone has the same obligations and must abide by German law. But everyone also read more
AWO Migration Consultation
Migration counseling for adult immigrants For immigrants and their families This migration-specific service was set up under the new Immigration Act with the aim of supporting and accompanying immigrants in read more
AWO Migration counseling for adult immigrants (MBE)
AWO Migration counseling Since the beginning of 2005, the AWO Karlsruhe has been offering immigrants and their families advice and support to promote integration. Target group Late repatriates, EU citizens, skilled read more
Bharathanatyam and Bollywood dance for children
Bharathanatyam and Bollywood dance is aimed at children from all countries who enjoy movement and dance. Bharathanatyam: Friday 16:00–19:00 Bollywood dance: Friday 19:00–20:00 Bharathanatyam is a south indian temple dance, which read more
Bike school, bike tours, courses and self-help workshop
ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub Kreisverband Karlsruhe) Bike school, bike tours, courses and self-help workshop ADFC is a club that represents the interests of everyday and hobby cyclists of all age read more
Bikes Without Borders
Two-wheelers mobilize people 🚲 Bikes Without Borders Bikes Without Borders was launched in July 2012 with the aim of supporting refugees in Karlsruhe with rental bikes. Interested people are also trained read more
Career integration program at EnBW Karlsruhe
Start your future with our Career integration program at EnBW Karlsruhe for refugees and migrants. We want to give technically interested refugees and migrants access to an Apprenticeship. Our participants read more
Career orientation seminars and retraining
Donner + Partner Bildungszentren offers a wide range of career orientation seminars and retraining in Karlsruhe to take your professional development one step further. Career orientation seminars Donner + Partner read more
CityTour in Karlsruhe
Explore Karlsruhe with a big CityTour-round trip CityTour in Karlsruhe Karlsruhe has many faces. In its almost 300-year history, the former residential and planned city has developed into a centre read more
Coaching for migrants with little knowledge of German
We’re here to help! If you’re a migrant with little knowledge of German, we can help you with coaching. Who can participate? Migrants who are eligible for citizen’s benefits, » who read more
Coaching for mothers and fathers for Part-time formation
Coaching for mothers and fathers for Part-time formation The measure is certified according to AZAV § 45 SGB III, is provided by means of an activation and placement voucher Goals read more
Competence Agency — transition from school to work
Competence Agency The Kompetenzagentur Karlsruhe is a project at the transition from school to work. We advise you in various areas and support you in solving your problems. We develop read more
Consulation office for prospective students with refugee/migrant status
Consulation office for prospective students with refugee/migrant status Are you interested in studying in Germany? In our consultation hours we answer your questions. Please make sure to have your documents read more
Consulting and German lessons
by Freunde für Fremde e.V. Consulting and German lessons Consulting on questions of foreigner law, in dealing with authorities and courts, when you are looking for work or accomodation, when read more
Cool places and water in Karlsruhe for hot days
When the sun is shining in the city, it’s good to know where to find cool places and water in Karlsruhe for hot days. If you are out and about in read more
Counseling and support services for women and families — SkF
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Karlsruhe (SkF) The counseling center of the SkF Karlsruhe offers a variety of outpatient counseling and support services for women and families under the guiding principle: Socially read more
Counseling Center Karlsruhe — Questions about pregnancy
Profamilia Karlsruhe Do you have questions about pregnancy, sexuality, partnership or parenthood? At pro familia, you will receive professional, confidential advice. Your rights are at the forefront of our work. We read more
Counseling for compatriots from Africa
Counseling for compatriots from Africa We are “Somalischer Kultur-und Integrationsverein e.V.” and “Gambianische-Deutsche Gesellschaft Verein e.V.” in Karlsruhe. Not only for refugees, but also for the compatriots from Somalia and read more
Counseling for queer asylum seekers
Counseling for queer asylum seekers We offer counseling for LGBTIQ* refugees and asylum seekers. The counseling is free of charge, individual and confidential, among others on the following topics: Different read more