Make sure you find out which utility charges are included in your rent. Usually, you will only have to register with an electricity or gas supplier. You can do this with Stadtwerke Karlsruhe – the city’s public utility company – or other suppliers. It is helpful and convenient to set up a SEPA direct debit with your bank. Your electricity costs will then be debited directly from your account every month.
Karlsruher Stadtwerke — Kundencenter
Daxlanderstr. 72
76185 Karlsruhe
+49 (0)721 599 0
Office hours
Monday to Thursday: 07:30 — 16:30
Friday: 07:30 — 15:00
What should you take with you?
- Address
- Date you moved into the apartment
- Meter number and readings
- Possibly the name of the previous tenant
What do utility charges include?
The rent for your apartment is made up of the Kaltmiete (basic rent) + Nebenkosten (utility charges)
Basic rent and utility charges together are sometimes described as Warmmiete (WM).
Utility charges consist of water, electricity/gas and waste disposal fees. Make sure you find out which utility charges are included in your rent. Sometimes you pay the utility charges directly to the landlord. However, you may also have to register with an electricity supplier and pay the electricity bills yourself.