
Acrylic Pour­ing Course at ibz

Thursday 09:30 - 11:30

Acrylic Pour­ing Course

Price: 5€ per week + material

The tech­nique of “pour­ing” in paint­ing refers to the spilling or pour­ing of col­ors. Unlike tra­di­tion­al meth­ods where col­ors are applied with a brush or palette knife, here the col­ors are poured direct­ly onto the canvas.

A course lasts 10 weeks. After that, it is pos­si­ble to start a new course. The work­shop is led by Hümeyra Tek­taş.


Target group: all
This event is not gratis
ibz, Deutsch Türkisch­er Eltern­vere­in Karlsruhe
Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-02-14 11:44:36