Social secu­ri­ty num­ber and tax number

Social secu­ri­ty card: If you want to work in Ger­many, you need a Sozialver­sicherungsausweis (social secu­ri­ty card) with a Sozialver­sicherungsnum­mer (social secu­ri­ty num­ber).

Your health insur­ance com­pa­ny, the BfA (Fed­er­al Employ­ment Agency) or your employ­er will reg­is­ter you with the Ger­man pen­sion scheme. You will then receive your insur­ance num­ber. Please inform the rel­e­vant peo­ple if you already have a Ger­man insur­ance number.

Tax num­ber: You also need a Steuer­num­mer (tax num­ber). After you have reg­is­tered, the Bürg­er­büro (cit­i­zens’ office) will auto­mat­i­cal­ly trans­mit this data to the Finan­zamt (tax office). You will then receive your tax num­ber from the tax office by post.