
Coach­ing for moth­ers and fathers for Part-time formation

Coach­ing for moth­ers and fathers for Part-time formation

The mea­sure is cer­ti­fied accord­ing to AZAV § 45 SGB III, is pro­vid­ed by means of an acti­va­tion and place­ment voucher

»Prepa­ra­tion for part-time training
»Improve­ment of the chances for a sus­tain­able pro­fes­sion­al integration

Our offer

  • Per­son­al and job-relat­ed anamnesis
  • Career plan­ning and appli­cant training
  • Active search for train­ing and intern­ship companies
  • Active search for a suit­able part-time train­ing position
  • Job-relat­ed key qual­i­fi­ca­tions and social skills
  • Orga­ni­za­tion of child care
  • Mobil­i­ty promotion
  • Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of fam­i­ly and career
  • Financ­ing of liv­ing costs dur­ing part-time training

Dura­tion and expiry
The dura­tion is a max­i­mum of six months. Two coach­ing ses­sions per week coach­ing appoint­ments take place.

Cost cov­er­age

Par­tic­i­pants need an acti­va­tion and place­ment voucher

Ongo­ing entry is possible

Target group: families (Young adults, parents and families )
This offer is not gratis


This event information was updated: 2024-03-25