Recog­ni­tion of your pro­fes­sion­al qualifications

Did you com­plete your school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cate, appren­tice­ship or degree in anoth­er coun­try? If so, your diplo­ma can be exam­ined and recog­nised in Germany.

Find out whether you need your qual­i­fi­ca­tion to be recog­nised in order to work in your pro­fes­sion on the web­site

Call the hot­line “Work­ing and Liv­ing in Ger­many” if you have ques­tions about recog­ni­tion of your qual­i­fi­ca­tions, look­ing for jobs, entry and res­i­dence or learn­ing Ger­man (ser­vice is avail­able in Ger­man and Eng­lish). You can call the hot­line from Mon­day to Fri­day between 08:00 — 16:00 at the num­ber: +49 (0)30 1815–1111.

The IQ-Net­work at the ibz can advise you on get­ting for­eign edu­ca­tion­al and voca­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions recognised.

Please phone to make an arrange­ment Tel. +49 (0)621 / 43 77 31 13 or
Make an appoint­ment

IQ-Net­work at the Arbeit­sagen­tur Karl­sruhe-Ras­tatt
Arbeit­sagen­tur Karl­sruhe-Ras­tatt, Beruf­s­in­for­ma­tion­szen­trum (BiZ)
Brauer­str. 10
76135 Karl­sruhe

IQ-Net­work at the ibz
Kaiser­allee 12d
76133 Karl­sruhe
By appoint­ment only

This page was last updated: 2024-07-30