Waste sep­a­ra­tion

In Karl­sruhe, garbage and organ­ic waste can be dis­posed of in four dif­fer­ent bins:

Resid­ual waste (Rest­müll): e.g. cold ash, rub­ber, hygiene arti­cles such as hand­ker­chiefs, ceram­ics, diapers.

Recy­clable mate­ri­als (Wert­stoff): e.g. plas­tic or met­al (pack­ag­ing), untreat­ed wood, alu­mini­um foil, beverage/milk car­tons, polystyrene.

Organ­ic waste (Bioab­fall): e.g. flow­ers and pot­ted plants, eggshells, fruit and veg­etable waste, cof­fee grounds, fruit peel (e.g. orange peel), raw and cooked food left­overs, tea bags.

Paper/cardboard (Papier/Pappe): e.g. paper, card and card­board, books, cat­a­logues, paper bags, writ­ting paper, newspapers.

Oth­er waste:

  • Bat­ter­ies, glass, tex­tiles and green waste are col­lect­ed at the con­tain­ers locat­ed through­out the city
  • Haz­ardous mate­ri­als must be dis­posed of at the des­ig­nat­ed col­lec­tion points or via mobile col­lec­tions of haz­ardous materials.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about waste dis­pos­al facil­i­ties at: www.karlsruhe.de/abfall

Waste sep­a­ra­tion helps us to pro­tect our envi­ron­ment as it makes it eas­i­er to recy­cle mate­ri­als such as packaging.


Waste dis­pos­al in Karlsruhe

There are four garbage cans in Karl­sruhe. Waste is sort­ed into organ­ic waste, paper, resid­ual waste and recy­clables. Inci­den­tal­ly, elec­tri­cal waste does not belong in the garbage can. It must be dis­posed of sep­a­rate­ly. In addi­tion, every house­hold in Karl­sruhe has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­pose of bulky waste free of charge and con­ve­nient­ly twice a year.

This page was last updated: 2023-11-28