
City­Tour in Karlsruhe


Explore Karl­sruhe with a big City­Tour-round trip

City­Tour in Karlsruhe

Karl­sruhe has many faces. In its almost 300-year his­to­ry, the for­mer res­i­den­tial and planned city has devel­oped into a cen­tre for art, cul­ture, law and tech­nol­o­gy and is now home to the Fed­er­al Court of Jus­tice, Ger­many’s high­est court, as well as a vibrant cul­tur­al land­scape with over 50 muse­ums, the­atres and gal­leries.

Come with us on an approx. 130-minute tour of the fan-shaped city of Karl­sruhe and learn more about the rather short his­to­ry of the for­mer roy­al seat. On the way, we will pass a num­ber of the city’s high­lights, includ­ing the cas­tle, the ZKM, the old slaugh­ter­house and Durlach with its old town, the famous Turm­berg rail­way and Karls­burg Castle.

Dur­ing the tour, you have the option of leav­ing the bus at one of our 9 stops, explor­ing the sur­round­ing high­lights on foot or vis­it­ing one of Karlsruhes‘s many muse­ums and sim­ply get­ting on the next bus — HopOn-HopOff makes it possible.


Adults                                          : 20 €
Chil­dren 4 to 14 years              :   5 €
Per­sons with severely
hand­i­capped pass from 80%  : 16 €

Target group: all
This event is not gratis


This event information was updated: 2023-10-03 12:47:52