Ser­vices for fam­i­lies with children

Child ben­e­fit:
All par­ents with chil­dren who live per­ma­nent­ly in Ger­many are enti­tled to Kindergeld (child ben­e­fit). They receive a ben­e­fit of at least EUR 200 per child per month. Child ben­e­fit is paid until the child turns 18, or until the age of 25 if they are in an appren­tice­ship, study­ing or doing vol­un­tary ser­vice. Sub­mit your appli­ca­tion for child ben­e­fit to the Fam­i­lienkasse (fam­i­ly ben­e­fits department).

Child ben­e­fit sup­ple­ment:
If you have a low income, you can apply to the Fam­i­lienkasse for a Kinderzuschlag (child ben­e­fit sup­ple­ment) in addi­tion to stan­dard child benefit

Fam­i­lienkasse Kriegsstr. 100
76133 Karl­sruhe

Tel.: 0800 4555530
(Mon­day to Fri­day 08:00 — 18:00)
Email: familienkasse-baden-wuerttemberg-west@

What should I bring with me?

What do I receive?

  • Pass­port or iden­ti­ty card
  • Birth cer­tifi­cate
  • Child ben­e­fit: Appli­ca­tion for child ben­e­fit and, if nec­es­sary, cer­tifi­cate of atten­dance for school, appren­tice­ship or high­er education.
  • Child ben­e­fit sup­ple­ment: Appli­ca­tion for child ben­e­fit, details and proof of accom­mo­da­tion and heat­ing pay­ments, income and assets, alimo­ny payments

Notice of child benefit 


Notice regard­ing the approval/rejection of your appli­ca­tion for the child ben­e­fit sup­ple­ment

(Please keep this doc­u­ment safe for future use) 

Karl­sruher Kinderpass/ Karl­sruher Pass/ Karl­sruher Pass 60+

The Karl­sruher Kinderpass/Karlsruher Pass/Karlsruher Pass 60+ are spe­cial cards that gen­er­al­ly give free admis­sion, dis­counts or vouch­ers in the areas of leisure, sports, cul­ture, edu­ca­tion and mobil­i­ty to cit­i­zens of Karl­sruhe who have a low­er income or receive social ben­e­fits. These include, e.g. up to a 50 per­cent dis­count on trav­el tick­ets sold by Karl­sruher Verkehrsver­bund (KVV) and admis­sion to open-air/in­door swim­ming pools, sub­sidised hol­i­day activ­i­ty pro­grammes, edu­ca­tion vouch­ers, free admis­sions or dis­counts for muse­ums in Karl­sruhe and the region.The offers vary depend­ing on the pass. You can find more infor­ma­tion at:

If you have a low income, use the online cal­cu­la­tor to find out whether you are enti­tled to the Karl­sruher Pass/Karlsruher Kinder­pass:

Where?   Jugend­freizeit- und Bildungswerk

Bürg­er­str. 16,

76133 Karl­sruhe

Office hours

Mon­day and Tues­day: 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 16:00

Thurs­day 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:30
Fri­day 9:00 – 13:00

What do I take with me?

  • Cur­rent pass­port photo
  • Valid pass­port or iden­ti­ty card
  • Oth­er doc­u­ments rel­e­vant to your application:

- Notice of social benefits,

- Dis­abled person’s ID card,

- Birth cer­tifi­cates, con­fir­ma­tion of reg­is­tra­tion or fam­i­ly reg­is­ter (for fam­i­lies with five or more minor chil­dren) — For fam­i­lies with low incomes: doc­u­ments cal­cu­lat­ing this income

What do you receive? Karl­sruher Kinder­pass or Karl­sruher Pass


+49 (0)721 133‑5671

Parental allowance

Parental allowance: Eltern­geld (parental allowance) is avail­able to moth­ers or fathers after the birth of their child.

Moth­ers or fathers can receive the basic parental ben­e­fit for 12 months,

  • If they are the pri­ma­ry car­ers for the child after its birth,
  • And do not work, study or train for more than 30 hours per week,
  • If both par­ents share the child­care time, the parental allowance can be paid for up to 14 months.

There are sev­er­al types of parental allowance. Find out more at:


By tele­phone: Mon­day to Fri­day (from 08:00 — 16:30)

Tel.: 0800 664 5471
Email: familienfoerderung@l‑

What doc­u­ments do I need?

  • Birth cer­tifi­cate (orig­i­nal)
  • Proof of your income
  • Pos­si­bly oth­er proofs, please enquire by phone

What do I receive?

Notice of parental allowance
(Please keep this doc­u­ment safe for future use)

This page was last updated: 2024-02-26