Apply­ing for hous­ing benefits

Peo­ple on low incomes can apply for Wohn­geld (hous­ing ben­e­fit). This a pay­ment that sub­sidis­es your rent.
You receive hous­ing ben­e­fit if you do not have suf­fi­cient income to pay for your hous­ing. The hous­ing ben­e­fit for ten­ants is called a rent sub­sidy, the hous­ing ben­e­fit for own­ers of own­er-occu­pied hous­ing is called an encum­brance subsidy.

Depends on the indi­vid­ual case.
It is based on the size of the house­hold, income and rent or charges.

Gen­er­al­ly for 12 months.

In indi­vid­ual cas­es, this peri­od may be longer or short­er.
If you want to con­tin­ue receiv­ing hous­ing ben­e­fit after this peri­od, you must apply for it again.

Please phone to arrange an appoint­ment
Tel.: +49 (0)721 133‑6470

📁 Forms and oth­er offers

Where? Liegen­schaft­samt
Lamm­straße 7a,
76133 Karl­sruhe
2nd floor

What should I take with me?

  • Pass­port or iden­ti­ty card
  • Proof of the incomes of all mem­bers of the household
  • Proof of your rent (rental contract)

What do you receive?

  • Approval/rejection of your appli­ca­tion for hous­ing ben­e­fit (Please keep this doc­u­ment safe for future use.)

This page was last updated: 2024-07-24