
Indi­vid­ual ses­sions with ther­a­pists or spe­cial­ist therapists

atman — Insti­tute for Men­tal Health and Migration

The atman Insti­tute for Men­tal Health and Migra­tion is pri­mar­i­ly aimed at refugees suf­fer­ing from trau­ma-relat­ed dis­or­ders (e.g. PTSD). We bring clients and ther­a­pists togeth­er in a low-thresh­old way.

Nor­mal­ly 5 ses­sions are offered. How­ev­er, 10 ses­sions are also pos­si­ble by arrangement.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we are not able to offer group ses­sions at the moment. In cur­rent cas­es, ther­a­py ses­sions and refer­ral coun­sel­ing can be offered.

Target group: (refugees suffering from trauma-related disorders)
This event is gratis
Mariel­la Winter
Durlach­er Allee 66, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2023-09-11 13:16:31