International Day against Racism
Silhouette theater “The trap”
Riadh Ben Ammar
The Cultural Office and the Office for Integration of the City of Karlsruhe invite you on Thursday,
March 21, 2024 at 7.30 pm to the silhouette theater play “Die Falle” by Berlin artist Riadh Ben Ammar at the Kulturzentrum Tollhaus.
In collaboration with the “Freundeskreis Asyl” (fka), Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe, Café Noir and the Kulturzentrum Tollhaus, the author and actor paints a gripping picture of migration and the life situation of asylum seekers and takes the audience on a stimulating change of perspective.
After the welcoming address by the Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup, a joint signal against racism and all forms of discrimination will be set on the International Day against Racism and a plea will be made for good and tolerant coexistence between all people in our shared urban society.
The play tells a story about the situation at the external borders of the European Union, the problems of the people on the ground and the associated misunderstandings.
The longing for a life “on the other side” in contrast to reality and everyday life, including the associated challenges, hurdles and fears, play a key role.
The author and actor of this play, Riadh Ben Ammar, is a political activist and artist.
He came to Germany from Tunisia in the early 2000s and was housed in a refugee camp in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for a long time. He now lives in Berlin and works artistically and socio-politically in Tunisia and Germany.
The play will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives of Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe e. V. and Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe e.V. and the artist
This event is gratis
Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe