
Joint cook­ing evenings

For refugees and residents

Make the world a bet­ter Plate!

We are the Über den Teller­rand Com­mu­ni­ty Karl­sruhe, one of more than 30 offi­cial satel­lites of Über den Teller­rand e.V.
Togeth­er we stand for a mul­ti-award-win­ning inte­gra­tion con­cept with an umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion in Berlin. Our goal is to enable encoun­ters at eye lev­el between refugees and those who are at home.

Joint cook­ing evenings in Karlsruhe

Here in Karl­sruhe we real­ize this idea by orga­niz­ing joint cook­ing evenings. It is always nice to see how new friend­ships are formed, how peo­ple laugh, dance and, of course, feast together.
Our cui­sine is influ­enced by the most diverse coun­tries of the world. In addi­tion to cook­ing, we also enjoy hik­ing, sports, pic­nics and, since this year, gar­den­ing in our “Über-den-Teller­rand-Beet”.

Target group: all (for refugees and residents)
This offer is gratis
Über den Tellerrand
Über den Teller­rand Com­mu­ni­ty Karlsruhe
Diakonis­senstr. 26, 76199 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-07-16