
AWO Migra­tion counseling

AWO Migra­tion counseling

Since the begin­ning of 2005, the AWO of the city of Karl­sruhe has offered coun­sel­ing and sup­port for immi­grants and their families.

Tar­get group

You have your res­i­dence in Karl­sruhe and are:

  • over 27 years old
  • new in Germany
  • with a per­ma­nent res­i­dence here (e.g. with res­i­dence for work, as a rec­og­nized refugee, for fam­i­ly reunification…)
  • late repa­tri­ate or EU-citizen

Even if you have been liv­ing in Ger­many for a long time, you can take advan­tage of our coun­sel­ing services.


We advise you and your chil­dren free of charge and con­fi­den­tial­ly on these topics:

  • Employ­ment and recog­ni­tion of for­eign qualifications
  • Res­i­dence
  • Edu­ca­tion and language
  • Hous­ing
  • Health and health insurance
  • Every­day life and leisure
  • Fam­i­ly and children
  • Finances


We advise in the fol­low­ing lan­guages: Bul­gar­i­an, Ger­man, Eng­lish, French, Roman­ian, Russ­ian, Ser­bian-Bosn­ian-Croa­t­ian, Spanish.

Con­sul­ta­tion by appointment
Please make an appointment:
in per­son (Tues­day 10–12 and Wednes­day 14–16)
by mail:
by phone: + 49 (0) 721 16089–413

Fly­er zum Dowload

Target group: (New in Germany (over 27 years old))
This event is gratis
AWO Karl­sruhe gemein­nützige GmbH Migrationsberatung
Stephanien­str. 52 — Hal­testelle: Europaplatz, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2023-10-02 11:01:49