Was ist AniKA

AniKA – Arriving in Karlsruhe

The Network AniKA – Arriving in Karlsruhe is an alliance of stakeholders working on integration policy in the city of Karlsruhe.

The goal of the AniKA network is to further develop the Karlsruhe Welcome Structure and establish the „Karlsruhe Integration Path“. The Network wants to involve all actors in the city of Karlsruhe who are in contact with immigrants.
Network meetings take place twice a year. They are intended to establish an exchange, to give an overview of the needs of and offers for all people who are new to Karlsruhe.

The presidency is with the Office for Integration of Karlsruhe, the office for AniKA is located at ibz (Internationales Begegnungszentrum Karlsruhe). A project manager maintains the network and the AniKA website, where newcomers can get an overview of the offers in Karlsruhe. With AniKA we would like to inform and give orientation to all newcomers to Karlsruhe on topics like housing, language learning, child care, school education, health, free time and culture. Our goal is to make it easier for newcomers to participate in society and work. We want them to feel welcome in Karlsruhe right from the start.

There is a steering committee to advance the project. It meets about four times a year. Permanent members of the steering committee are: the Office for Integration (Büro für Integration), the International Meeting Centre (Internationales Begegnungszentrum) and the Office of Public Order (Ordnungsamt). Two new network partners are appointed to the steering committee every two years. Ecumenical Migration Service (ÖMD) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Karlsruhe (IHK Karlsruhe) were elected during the last alliance meeting in 2022.

This page was last updated: 2023-04-20 17:11:24