


Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00

sick with­out papers?

Medinetz Karl­sruhe is a med­ical coun­sel­ing and place­ment cen­ter for undoc­u­ment­ed migrants, peo­ple with­out health insur­ance or with­out res­i­dence sta­tus, refugees and home­less peo­ple who have no or only lim­it­ed access to med­ical care in Ger­many. For these peo­ple, Medinetz Karl­sruhe wants to offer a per­se­cu­tion-free space in the Human Rights Cen­ter, where dis­crim­i­na­tion and racism are not tac­it­ly endorsed, and where those affect­ed can find fast, prac­ti­cal, low-thresh­old and free sup­port. For Medinetz to be a shel­ter for the per­se­cut­ed, main­tain­ing anonymi­ty is an impor­tant work­ing principle.

We will medi­ate you to physi­cians who can pro­vide nec­es­sary treat­ment for free and anony­mous­ly. No infor­ma­tion will be dis­closed to gov­ern­ment authorities.

Target group:
This event is gratis
Dr. med. Ange­li­ka Leist
Men­schen­recht­szen­trum Karlsruhe
Alter Schlachthof 59, 76131 Karl­sruhe
